Sunday, 16 June 2013

إضافة IDAAFA

Hi dear readers. Today i want to talk about the IDAAFA in rabic language. Idafa  literally means ADDITION and is equivalent to POSSESSIVE CASE  in English, therefore it expresses the POSSESION. As in English also in Arabic language idaafa needs two nouns, but in this case the second term is the possesor and the first one is the object owned. Example: -the teacher's house  =  بيت الأستاذ (baitu al-ustadhi)

  • The main rule to consider is that the first term never has the article ال (al) whereas the second one has it. BUT: *if terms are both indeterminate neither of the two take the article. Example: -an hause of a friend =  بيت صديق (baiutu sadiqi*if the second term is a proper name it doesn't take article because it's already determinated. Example: -Faysal's house = بيت فيصل (baitu Faysal)

  • Other rule to consider is that the first term always has the final wovel u (nominative) and the second one always has the final wovel (genitive). BUT*if the second term is a feminine noun and therefore it takes  ة (ta marbuta) it doesn't take final wovel i. Example: -teacher's pen = قلم لأستاذة (qalamu al-ustadha *if the first term is feminine and so it takes ة, it's pronunciated.  Example: - Faysal bag =  شنطة فيصل   (shantatu Faysal)

  • Last but not least, if phrase has two or more terms only the last takes the article.
  Example: -history teacher's dauther's key = مفتاح بنت أستاذ التاريخ (muftahu binti ustadhi al-tarikhi)

    In the next articles i'll talk about same exceptions of the idaafa. Study hard! ;-)

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