Sunday, 16 June 2013


  • if you want to add an adjective, it must come right at the end and will have the article ال (al):

   the elevated office of the client    مكتب العميل المرتفع  (muktabu al-'amili al- murtafa'u)
   the teacher’s luxurious house       بيت المدرس الفخم    (baitu al-mudarrisi al-fakhmu)

  • Watch out for the sound masculine plural and the dual when they are the first noun in an idaafa. They lose the final nuun (ن):

مدرسون  teachers ➞ مدرسو* المدرسة      the teachers of the school
مدرسان  two teachers ➞ مدرسا** المدرسة   the two teachers of the school

* Changes to ي (-ii) in the accusative and genitive case
** Changes to ي (-ay) in the accusative and genitive case

  • The taa’ marbuuTa (ةon the end of most feminine nouns is pronounced when the word is the first in the idaafa:

  •   مدينة لندن (madiinatu lundun) the city of London

    • The first term of idaafa take the final nominative vowel u. BUT if first term is preceded by an arabic preposition which requires genitive case it must take the final vowel i:
      المفتاح في شنطة  الأم   (al-miftahu fi shantati l-ummi)


    Hi everyone. In this article I've inserted a video about an Italian painter and photographer for all those who love culture in all its shades. The name of the artist is Salvatore Nicosia and he's an abstract painter. 

    Original effects are expressed by the artist in a free and spontaneous. Dense hues flank to transparent colors that create incisive contrasts between soft and aggressive signs. Enjoy the show..!!  ;-)


    SALUDOS INFORMALES (Inforlam greetings)

    • ¡Hola! ( Hello!)
    • ¿Qué tal? / ¿Cómo estás?  - Bien, gracias.¿ y tú? ( How are you? - Fine thanks, and you? )

    SALUDOS FORMALES (Formal greetings)

    • Buenos Dias (Good morning)
    • Buenas Tardes (Good afternoon)
    • Buenas Noches (Good night)
    • ¿Cómo está usted? - Bien, gracias. ¿y ud?(this is the abbreviation of word USTED. You must pronounce it thus, not ud.) (How are you sir/madam? - Fine thanks, and you?) 

    SALUDOS DE DESPEDIDA (Farewell greetings)

    • ¡adiós! (Goodbye!)
    • ¡hasta luego! (See you later!)
    • ¡hasta mañana! (See you tomorrow!)

    PARA PRESENTARSE (To introduce oneself)

    • ¿Cómo te llamas? - Me llamo Alyssa (What is your name? - My name is Alyssa)
    • ¿Cómo te apellidas? - Me apellido Smith (What is your surname? - My surname is Smith)

    PARA LA INTERACCIÓN CON TU PROFESOR/A (For the interaction with your teacher)

    • ¿Cómo se dice hello en español? - Se dice hola (How is said hello in spanish? - It is said hola)
    • ¿Cómo se escribe? - Se escribe con hache, o, ele, a. Hola. (How is written? - It is written with eich, ou, ell, ei. Hola.)
    • ¿Lo puede escribir en la pizarra, por favor? - Si, claro (Can you write it to the blackboard? - Yes, of course)
    • Gracias. - De nada. (Thank you. - you're welcome!)

    إضافة IDAAFA

    Hi dear readers. Today i want to talk about the IDAAFA in rabic language. Idafa  literally means ADDITION and is equivalent to POSSESSIVE CASE  in English, therefore it expresses the POSSESION. As in English also in Arabic language idaafa needs two nouns, but in this case the second term is the possesor and the first one is the object owned. Example: -the teacher's house  =  بيت الأستاذ (baitu al-ustadhi)

    • The main rule to consider is that the first term never has the article ال (al) whereas the second one has it. BUT: *if terms are both indeterminate neither of the two take the article. Example: -an hause of a friend =  بيت صديق (baiutu sadiqi*if the second term is a proper name it doesn't take article because it's already determinated. Example: -Faysal's house = بيت فيصل (baitu Faysal)

    • Other rule to consider is that the first term always has the final wovel u (nominative) and the second one always has the final wovel (genitive). BUT*if the second term is a feminine noun and therefore it takes  ة (ta marbuta) it doesn't take final wovel i. Example: -teacher's pen = قلم لأستاذة (qalamu al-ustadha *if the first term is feminine and so it takes ة, it's pronunciated.  Example: - Faysal bag =  شنطة فيصل   (shantatu Faysal)

    • Last but not least, if phrase has two or more terms only the last takes the article.
      Example: -history teacher's dauther's key = مفتاح بنت أستاذ التاريخ (muftahu binti ustadhi al-tarikhi)

      In the next articles i'll talk about same exceptions of the idaafa. Study hard! ;-)


      Hello everyone, in this article i talk about arabic alphabet that is the main thing we have to learn before dive into the wonderful world that this language is.

      The picture above show us, through arrow direction, how each letter is written.

      In this further picture we can see the pronunciation and the different form that each letter takes based on its position in the word: initial, intermediate or final.

      As soon as i can i will make available to you audio files about correct pronunciation.